Discovery of How Blood Clots Harm Brain and Body in COVID-19 Points to New Therapy


Nature paper:

Any thoughts on this, Glenn? Gets me excited to try Nattokinase.


fibrin-targeting immunotherapy may represent a therapeutic intervention for patients with acute COVID-19 and long COVID.

Ok so first the authors are trying to draw a connection between acute COVID and Long COVID. I’m not so sure about that. Some people with a mild case of COVID (mild acute COVID) go on to develop horrible long COVID.

Secondly, I don’t think that there is going to be a simplistic explanation for Long COVID (which is probably a group of related and overlapping conditions). If there was a simple cause for it, then that would show up in the GWAS (Genome Wide Association Study) studies of Long COVID. Some people would have a blood clotting gene that works differently in a way that makes them more or less susceptible to LC. But the GWAS study for LC didn’t find anything. Recall this thread:


You could just try it. It doesn’t work for most people. A handful of people are reporting worsening, but it doesn’t look that risky compared to other interventions.

3 people who recovered said that it helped them the most. It’s reasonable to try.