šŸŒæ Carvacrol, a biofilm-fighting phytochemical found in oil of oregano (and black seed oil)

Wikipedia explains what phytochemicals (such as carvacrol) are:

Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants, generally to help them resist fungi, bacteria and plant virus infections, and also consumption by insects and other animals.

Carvacrol, or cymophenol, is a monoterpenoid phenol with a characteristic pungent, warm odour of oregano. Iā€™ll talk about one of its mechanisms of actions that works against microbes that form biofilms.

What biofilms are

Fig 7 - available from: BMC Microbiology | from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Proposed-model-for-how-extracellular-DNA-eDNA-exopolysaccharide-EPS-interaction_fig4_341388640

You can think of animals as having different ā€œmodesā€, such as their hibernation mode and normal mode of living. Bacteria and fungi also have different modes. Some of them will follow a biofilm strategy where they will be highly defensive and sit inside their biofilm fortress. Some of the things that they do in this strategy include:

  • Sticking/anchoring themselves to a surface at all costs, preventing them from being washed away.
  • Building a biofilm structure around themselves that will protect them against threats such as antibiotics, antibodies, etc. To build the struts of this structure, they will squirt out extracellular DNA to give a frame for the biofilm (eDNA is mentioned in the diagram above).
  • Slowing down their metabolism, which helps protect them against many chemical poisons.
  • Communicating with other microbes in the same colony. This is called quorum sensing.

Quorum sensing or quorum signaling is the ability to detect and respond to cell population density by gene regulation. The microbes in a biofilm communicate to each other to tell other microbes to stay in the biofilm mode, which protects them against their environment. If they donā€™t form biofilms in the first place, then they are vulnerable to being wiped out by antibiotics, antibodies, your immune systemā€™s cells, etc.

Carvacrol is known to disrupt quorum sensing (QS).

Some essential oils have been shown to inhibit QS in bacteria and this has been proposed as a mechanism of their antibacterial activity [5]. Previous studies have shown that sub-lethal concentrations of carvacrol, a component of oregano essential oil, reduce motility and invasiveness in bacteria [6]ā€“[7]. This antimicrobial compound can reduce biofilm formation in staphylococci and Salmonella strains [8]ā€“[9].

from The Natural Antimicrobial Carvacrol Inhibits Quorum Sensing in Chromobacterium violaceum and Reduces Bacterial Biofilm Formation at Sub-Lethal Concentrations - PMC

This should help your body fight off the types of bacteria that are vulnerable to this chemical angle of attack.

Biofilms grow inside us

The diagram below shows where biofilms can live inside our body:

from https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2020.00062

The diagram above is from an article titled Dangerous Slimes: How Bacterial Biofilms Make You Sick and How to Combat Them. So yes, biofilms can make you sick.

They are a serious health problem because antibiotics alone are not very good at wiping them out.

Carvacrol in the treatment of chronic illness

A few people (like myself) are reporting dramatic recovery due to black seed oil. Black seed oil happens to contain small amounts of carvacrol as part of its chemical cocktail (other chemicals include thymoquinone). See the following video or its slides (in the video description below the video) for data on what worked in people who (mostly) recovered:

Unfortunately, most people do not respond to black seed oil. So it may be useful to find treatments with similar mechanisms of action that may work in people who donā€™t respond to black seed oil. The overall pattern is that antimicrobials seem to work. People respond differently to them so patients would need to experiment to see what antimicrobial their body will respond positively to.

If the more established therapies fail, then it would be reasonable to look at safer antimicrobials such as oil of oregano. Oil of oregano has an excellent safety track record in healthy people because the supplement has been around for a while. Also, people eat oregano (which contains tiny amounts of its essential oils).

Oil of oregano supplements are available from supplement retailers like Amazon, iHerb, etc. See this post for an iHerb shopping list. Please be careful because all of the treatments that can deal with the root cause (in some people) seem to make the root cause worse in others.

Thanks for the info! In this case, I was wondering, If these kinds of biofilm disruptors also play a role in combatting covid induced gut dysbiosis, which many people (including myself) seem to get after the initial infection or at least as a side effect of all the chronic stress(??) (see https://www.reddit.com/r/Longcovidgutdysbiosis/). The Diagram shown in this post does not mention the gut area but I heard from numerous sources, including my doctor, that bacteria and microbes in the gut also build biofilms.

I also remember reading numerous paper headlines on nature.com about covid altering / persisting in the gut microbiome. @glenn_chan, as far as I can tell, you did not have any digestive problems? I for example, have unusual methane levels and constant bloating. Iā€™m gonna try black seed oil for that reason.

Just wanted to put my theory out there. If anyone has some thoughts on that, please feel free to comment!

Thereā€™s an Italian group that made wacky claims about SARS-CoV-2:

  • persisting in the gut
  • acting as a bacterophage. This is crazy because it means that SARS2 affects both eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells- that it somehow works on both types of cells.

Hereā€™s their paper:

I chalk it up to these researchers being attention-seeking with wild claims.

2- Anyways I didnā€™t have digestive problems?

3- One of issues with common theories is that they donā€™t explain the double-edged nature of treatment and low response rates. Personally I think that there are multiple underlying causes and that patients draw from a common ā€˜poolā€™ of those causes.

my digestion was weird but I donā€™t even know how to describe it. not gassy but like my body wasnā€™t digesting things like it used to, and it will act up if I have the issues again (I flit in and out of them still to this day)

a lot of things I take seem to immediately make me worse then longer term better, or just randomly oscillate

nigella sativa is on the mildest end of that, plus it has really good healing capabilities so when I go back on it that makes me feel much better and think better

I also have oregano oil and have tried it. that immediately flares up my issues, longer term seems to improve my brain fog, but then if I take it for an extended period of time it seems to degrade me

I donā€™t know

hereā€™s some other things that bind to spike proteins or clear them:

  • dandelion (the tea makes me worse and better at the same time but I am probably allergic to this plant, the pill form seems to make me better but Iā€™m scared of taking it for a long period of time because itā€™s a diuretic), will prevent binding but also cleave it at a very high rate
  • echinacea (this was very bad when I tried it, Iā€™ve taken it when I was younger at advice of someone for a persistent sinusitis that the doctors were no help for and that was perfectly fine and cured me but now my body reacts to it badly), like 99% gone in a few hours in petri dishes
  • cordyceps (reduces inflammation and mania (I get mania anytime I get inflammation, I think whatever is wrong is messing with my cortisol or adrenaline or something), but stops working after a while), binds to COVID spike and terminates the protein prematurely
  • black seed oil also kills COVID by itself, supposedly
  • ginger inhibits COVID by binding to it, I drink this as tea every day and have not had any bad effects from it, it mildly lowers inflammation and can be calming
  • honey (my issues flare up if I have sugar though, so this was unknown if bad because of that or something else and I stopped eating honey)
  • olive leaf (this was actually very good, it messed me up at first then my body got used to it and I greatly improved and took it for 3 months, being very satisfied with the results. I recently bought more to try again because Iā€™ve been feeling off but havenā€™t started yet)
  • nattokinase (also helps with clots / blood vessels issues, but hasnā€™t stopped whatever is wrong it just curbs it. I seem to have a necessity to stay on this, if I stop I get worse)
  • chlorella maybe (one component of my illness is that my metabolism appears to be compromised and my body wonā€™t self heat, which can be a terrifying problem in the winter. interestingly after ingesting chlorella this heating problem always corrects itself at least for a couple of hours. otherwise I have not noticed anything else)

things I have in my notes but didnā€™t like:

  • borage oil (got messed up taking this)
  • chaste tree (got messed up taking this)
  • sea buckthorn (got messed up taking this)

interestingly other lists of drugs Iā€™ve tried donā€™t have such a high ā€œmesses me upā€ hit rate (other than things that acted as blood thinners ā€“ but that was a different issue. for example items that reduced inflammation would cause me to panic due to rapidly dropping blood pressure. Iā€™ve slowly been improving since February 2024 for some unknown reason and this doesnā€™t really happen anymore because I donā€™t think my body is in such a highly intense inflammatory state to panic like that anymore when the inflammation is being corrected)
the fact other drugs of other categories donā€™t mess me up kind of makes me wonder if I need to power through whatever this reaction is and that there might be improvement on the other side, but itā€™s very exhausting to have the issues flare up and I donā€™t have someone to watch me and determine the dosage according to my state, which would be necessary because I outright get dementiaā€¦

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