Black Seed Oil and Duration Used By Glenn and More


I’m curious what dosage of the black seed oil and how long you used (and the typical Thymoquinone % in black seed oil) it and what was the recovery timeline in more detail. It sounded like you may have used it for 8 months, but could you give us more details on the response timeline and the effects along the way?

I notice you talk about how capsules did not seem to work for people and mentioned some higher doses in teapsoons. A capsule would have much less than a teaspoon. However, some capsule products are not black seed oil inside, but instead are extracts. For example from Triquetra and Nootropics Depot. These are extracts standardized for the Thymoquinone content with specific milligrams listed.

I would prefer to use these standardized extracts in general since I try to avoid seed oils due to their high Linoleic acid content and Black Seed Oil is very high in these. Though, I can see how that may not be a primary concern.

The Thymoquinone in the black seed oil is an Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor, meaning it will slow the breakdown of Acetylcholine. So, it will function similar to a nicotine patch. Also, if you look at Alpha-7 Nicotinic Receptor agonist you will see Nicotine is one of them, but Ivermectin is a positive allosteric modulator. So, that means Ivermectin potentiates the activity of Acetylcholine agonists, including natural Acetylcholine. That may be why it helps. Alpha-7 nicotinic receptor

I think you used the black seed oil and Ivermectin, but did not use the patch. I think I will avoid the Ivermectin. One issue I’m having with the nicotine patch and black seed oil I think is that they are making me very cold. I’m not sure if others have experienced that. I tend to get very cold too however when my digestion is not happy with certain things. I developed digestive issues at some point along the way. I think the hypothermic response is also triggered by Choline in the digestive system and read some paper on that in rats.The effects of Choline on body temperature in conscious rats

I also take a good amount of glycine and have heard that can have a cooling effect, but it wasn’t that strong for me I don’t think. Choline is just quad methyl glycine, and acetylcholine uses choline.

Dosing: I started off with 1 tablespoon/day, though I worked up to that level (starting with 1 drop). See My Recovery Story - I can work again, minimal suffering from lingering symptoms … I can’t remember if I put the details in that post though.

Extracts: Ok with some sleazy companies, they use super cheap extracts and sell you pretty much zero active ingredient. I never really collected data on extracts. However, I’d probably just go with the oil because it has been eaten as a supermarket food, it’s cheap, a tablespoon is a lot, etc.

There are a bunch of molecules in the oil that does stuff. see 🌿 Carvacrol, a biofilm-fighting phytochemical found in oil of oregano (and black seed oil)

Keep in mind that people have different experiences with all of these things… and it’s probably the nature of the condition. The treatment/intervention may make you worse off, in which case you should stop.

I used nigella sativa and it didn’t fix the issue. it did make me age backwards (my skin became younger, more energy, i lost weight, my spine straightened, etc), also made any cuts I got heal in half the time. I used both high quality expensive 2-3% thymoquinone and random lower quality types, I would be on it on and off, probably longer than 15 months total. higher quality had a bigger anti aging effect and I don’t know about the wound healing because I don’t end up scratching myself by accident that much

I did have the hypothermia issue extremely badly but I didn’t link it to the nigella sativa; didn’t seem to be correlated for me, I was in a much worse-off place maybe?

I worked around it by taking hot baths and pumping my heat up. I remember chlorella would always make me warm after I took it, and I would also take b vitamins and iodine and those would help. it was a very very bad and serious problem; I would turn purple when I would strip for showers for example and violently shiver, and in the winter going outside is basically a no-no. this happened before I was even trying drugs

the hypothermia no longer bugs me thankfully now however. b vitamins and iodine helped, but I also started eating 100 gram liver a week, and then I noticed if I took epsom salt bath my brain got better for a couple of days. Epsom salt has magnesium sulfate in it, and I already tried magnesium pills and they had no effect on me, so I started looking into sulfur. things with sulfur always had a positive effect on me, so I ended up buying various substances with sulfur and loading up on it, and eating organic eggs regularly, and I seem to be improving and don’t have cold issues anymore at all. and it’s actually extremely strange because my sensitivity to the cold was extremely terrifying before. it was so very bad. but now my body can go outside in -20c weather and it feels basically no different than me being indoors. whatever that hypothermia problem I had before was extremely traumatic. no clue really what it was. it was like my whole metabolism broke

my food insensitivities also seems to be improving since I’ve started loading up on sulfur. I stopped being able to drink camellia sinensis teas, eat dark chocolate, or drink coffee. and I couldn’t eat any sugar or much carbs without getting dementia. now I can consume these things in small amounts and my tolerance seems to be going up over time. I also can’t eat most fruits and vegetables, and those have not improved but I’m thinking they will

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