AI-generated picture of a rat with giant balls gets past peer review

You don’t need to be a scientist to spot what’s wrong with this picture.

  1. The anatomy is all wrong. The rat has giant balls / sacs.
  2. None of the text makes any sense, e.g. senctollc stem cells

What this means for chronic illness patients

It’s becoming clear that the ‘peer-reviewed’ scientific literature is full of unreliable information. I’ve been compiling lists of papers on long COVID treatment over at Long Haul Wiki. Clinicians have been reporting excellent results from a wide range of treatments.

Click the image above for a larger picture.

Unfortunately, we know that many people aren’t recovering from Long COVID and we know that the condition is hard to treat.

While the relevant papers don’t have obvious issues that should have been caught at the peer review stage, the long list of ‘effective’ treatments suggests that most of the literature is unreliable.

Credible Long COVID research

I’ve been collected survey data on treatment outcomes among patients. Of the 4+ RCTs on chronic illness, I only consider the HBOT RCT to be credible. The HBOT primer thread has information on the treatment along with criticism of one of the key authors behind the paper.

The latest survey that I’ve been working on has data on various treatments with the strongest signal for efficacy. Results are here: Patient Experiences Survey – Sick and Abandoned

It’s messed up that patients are on their own and figuring out the problems of the mainstream and alternative healthcare systems. It’s a sad state of affairs when I’m one of the people putting out the world’s best Long COVID research. There should be money being spent on honest RCTs so that patients don’t have to rely on survey data. (My surveys aren’t as good as they could be because I didn’t have money to spend on focus groups at the survey design stage.) But… when life hands you lemons, you go make lemonade.

Contribute your data!

I’m still collecting data for the Patient Experiences Survey right now. If you can spare 5-10 minutes, please fill it out at the link below. Thank you!

The good news

There are people who have (mostly) recovered and have gotten their lives back. I regained my ability to do computer programming so that’s how I’ve been able to put out research on Long COVID and other chronic illnesses. Terrible things have happened to people but there have been some good things that have come out of it.

The paper (before it was retracted)

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Kevin McKernan talks about problems with peer review in his Substack. He talks about a paper that argues that spike protein (which you can get from the wild virus or the vaccine) inhibits p53 which can lead to the development of cancer. The authors were pressured into retracting their paper; one of them didn’t want to retract but it was forced anyways.