Yale PASC study finds that exercise intolerance is due to decreased oxygen uptake, not deconditioning. Plus, how to prove PEM

Here’s the study: https://openres.ersjournals.com/content/early/2023/12/07/23120541.00714-2023

The majority (75%) of PASC patients exhibited impaired peak systemic oxygen extraction (pEO2) during iCPET in conjunction with supranormal cardiac output (CO) (i.e. , PASC alone group)

And here’s what one of the researchers said in a Yale News summary:

Some patients have been told that their symptoms are a result of deconditioning, or decline from lack of physical activity, and that reconditioning alone would address the intolerance.
“Our findings contradict that hypothesis, and instead support the idea that there is a clear physiologic abnormality underpinning the symptoms experienced by our patients,” said Kahn.

Weaknesses of study

  • It may not have studied the ‘Long COVID’ found in support groups. It studies PASC, a condition which affects an estimated 3% to 30% of those having previously contracted COVID-19. This is likely a different condition than what affects people in Long COVID support groups- the people who often cannot work due to their health plus a long list of other symptoms. The severe form of Long COVID probably does not affect 3-30% of those having contracted COVID-19.
  • Recruitment was from a PASC center (Yale New Haven Hospital) with questionable practices- they push exercise therapy and COVID vaccinations.

The CPET test can be used to help prove disability

While we’re on the subject of exercise testing, the Bateman Horne center has published info about diagnosing PEM in ME/CFS patients so that they can get disability assistance. Slide 12