What should I be tested for?

I saw a doctor for the first time last week. She ran a basic blood panel and it all came back normal. From what I have read, this is extremely common among LC patients. I understand that good biomarkers for LC have remained fairly elusive.

My doctor plans to run another blood test to look at autoimmune issues. I am not a doctor, so I obviously have no idea what this might entail. Are there any specific things that I should request be looked at for this second blood test? It would be great if there might be anything at all we could pull that might come back as abnormal. I fear running through all of this and (like so many others) convincing the doctor that my issues are purely psychosomatic.

If important, my symptoms are PEM based. When a symptom flare-up occurs, I have muscle soreness, joint paint, difficulty breathing, headache, insomnia, and sometimes a sore throat.

Thanks in advance.

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I have some notes on medical tests here: Newly injured guide - Long Haul Wiki

Thyroid disorders and autoimmune conditions are more common in LC. Risk Factors Survey – Sick and Abandoned

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