I’m one of the injured (2 years) but recently my symptoms have been improving. This is because I’m using AI to recover.
First off, these models can make up facts but often don’t, so double check everything and run any medical recommendations past your physician or whatever. You are liable for your own actions as we all found out when we became sick and abandoned.
- using it to cook - meal planning and finding / documenting inflammatory triggers
- using it to create a schedule - you can tell it you have CFS and it will compensate for that
- planning pots based exercises
- discussing specific symptoms and seeking easy remedies - did you know gas-x has no side effects because it’s not absorbed into the body? I didn’t either and the questions to arrive at it were gross. Things I don’t want to ask a human.
- CBT and meditation excercises
- breaking down research papers - figure out what this means: …results showed a significant hypoperfusion in a widespread cerebral network in the post-COVID-19 group, predominantly affecting the frontal cortex, as well as the parietal and temporal cortex
I’m using GPT-4 - you want to use the strongest possible ai. Bing is pretty good as well.
Don’t ask it about covid-19 vaccine injury, it will lie. They all need to to survive. The powers that be cannot be found liable for their crimes against humanity.
Only worry about you and your own recovery.
There is a palm-2 finetune from google that beats doctors on medical knowledge. Please ask google to release it https://twitter.com/AziziShekoofeh/status/1658659343087304705
Be nice about it, the researchers want to help.