How to get your life back from vax injury - 5 key points

Thanks to everybody who has participated in survey work, we know that about 7% of people are getting their lives back. So let’s talk about getting that percentage higher.

  1. Not everybody tried the best treatments. 5% tried fasting for more than 48 hours… which is really, really low. (They may have quit at 24-48 hours but only 10.7% tried that.) Ivermectin is one of the more popular treatments that really works but only 23.7% tried that.
  2. Patients and doctors are unreliable. While it may seem that everything works, there wouldn’t be so many people suffering if that was the case. Now we have data to guide us. Survey data shines a light on treatments with the strongest signal for helping people recover.
  3. Access to healthcare. I recovered in Canada, which is one of the worst places to be vax injured because it’s so hard to get access to healthcare here. I try to compile lists of doctors so that others can get access to treatment. See the this page on resources for vax injury - the Start Here guide will explain how to find doctors. If you’re really advanced and want to get prescription drugs without a prescription, here’s some info.
  4. Recognize that treatment can set you back. We know that the best treatments will cause some patients to go the wrong way. Bad doctors may try to gaslight you into thinking a bad drug reaction is “detox” or a Herx reaction. If treatment is going the wrong way, you should stop.
  5. Starting with low dosages may help. It’s probably less risky than starting with normal/high dosages. We want to avoid treatment setting us back.

The Patient Experiences Protocol video takes a deeper dive into what steps to take to treat vax injury. I explain how to get access to treatment, known risks, and list the treatments with the most data supporting their use.