Are people not healing because they are looking for easy answers?

I’m looking at the analytics for my survey results video on what helped people recover. It turns out that most people tune out midway through and don’t get to the very end.


I’m surprised by this because the video has the best actionable data on treatment right now. (If other smart people were also working on this problem then their data would probably be better. I’m not trying to be conceited here.)

Now this kind of retention chart is typical for Youtube- most people watch Youtube in a shallow way and skim content. Youtube’s analytics actually say that the survey data video’s retention is above average- see below.

Do I have a distorted view on the world?

I may be weird because I read a lot of academic papers and I taught myself video engineering. I have 16 academic citations according to Semantic Scholar… I really did teach myself video engineering (screenshot below).

I’m also willing to go out of my way to get access to healthcare, e.g. prescription drugs without a prescription. It turns out that the ‘Dallas Buyers Club’ / access to healthcare video was my least popular video on my Odysee channel, so I guess most people won’t be acting as their own prescriber.

So what is going on here?

Are most people giving up because there’s no easy peasy magic bullet for long haul? Do people not realize that people like myself have gotten their lives back?

What do you think?

Hello, first time poster here.

I just finished watching your video, and I appreciate you putting in all of the work behind it. I’ve only had LC for a few months and I’ve started wading into the existing body of research. I am quite appreciative of those trying to take a scientific approach to this. The online communities I’ve seen are saturated with countless anecdotes of supplements and drugs; it feels impossible to make much use of it all.

The unfortunate thing I’ve learned in reading posts and studies has been that a quality treatment for LC will probably be bespoke to each individual. Everyone seems to have slightly different circumstances and symptoms, thus I’d expect different tactics to return to homeostasis.

My worry is that (if this is true) it may take many years for researchers to confidently come to the same conclusion and begin to identify different treatment paths. In the meantime that could mean millions of people left to suffer!

I am personally coming to the conclusion that I may just have to hope time heals me. My case has luckily been relatively mild and your claim in the video that this increases my odds of recovery is encouraging.

Thanks again for all of your work.

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The HBOT study for LC did manage to hit its primary endpoint with ?40? participants. So that was enough to detect a very small improvement (on average; the deviation is quite a lot).

It’s definitely a problem that response rates are low and some people will have a very negative reaction to a treatment. I do a really deep dive into that on the Odysee channel:

The cynic in me sees where the politics are headed. A lot of people will redefine Long COVID into a condition that is quite common, affecting 10%+ of people post-infection. That is highly unlikely because people get re-infected all the time and there just aren’t that many people in the online support groups.

And so they’re just going to study a completely different condition and treat it with paxlovid and COVID vaccinations. The Stanford study likely found that Pax doesn’t work (and the survey data found the same). COVID vaccinations are a terrible idea.

If you look into the literature for autoimmune disease, it has long been clear that there are different treatment paths. A long list of interventions both help and hurt depending on the exact situation. And yet clinical practice ignores much of that science because Humira was the best-selling drug in the world before COVID treatments took over.

Good luck!! I hope that everybody heals.

I’ve seen numbers like this tossed out before. Is it possible that the LC numbers really are that high, but most individuals that develop it suffer only very minor symptoms? Perhaps there’s many people dealing with small but chronic annoyances that haven’t even made the connection it could be because of covid.

You seem like you’ve thought about a lot of this so don’t take my comments as challenging you; I am only asking questions out of curiosity.

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It’s possible. But at the point it’s really hard to say if they even have borderline LC or not because it depends heavily on how the survey is designed or how the patient is questioned. It would be very hard to pin down and study, especially when there are no clear biomarkers for ‘actual’ Long COVID.

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