H.e.l.p aphersis - cyprus

HI Glenn, I was hoping for your opinion on something, around 2.5 years ago I was injured from the Covid Jab. I had many symptoms chest pain dizziness headaches etc. A bit like you, doing my own research I have made good progress - I’m in a position I know a lot of people of aren’t - I work full time can socialise etc but I still have symptoms - mainly back pain where a rib keeps popping out, brain fog, inflammation and I can’t really do strenuous exercise yet but haven’t really pushed myself so im not sure where im at. My passion is sports and really like to back to 100% and play sports again. I would say I’m at 85%.

I was previously working with Ria at Long-haulers who has since taken time off indefiently where I did a Live blood analysis and saw the coagulation and micro-clots and other unwanted bits.

Im thinking about going to Cyprus to get the treatment as it’s so expensive here in the UK and I’ve seen lots of mixed reviews. Ive spoken to them already and had consultation - the treatment plan is very similar to what Ria was going to give me. This would also involve HBOT and IV Vitamin therapy. In addition knowing what I’ve seen in my blood I would like to get it out - so just wondered your thoughts on the situation as I want to give this a try but wondered from what you’ve seen in treatment results such as whether people are in a better position get better results etc and what problems its best for as mine seem related to blood more than anything else.

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The live blood analysis will show rouleaux but not microclots. The test for microclots involves fluorescence microscopy.

That being said, I don’t think that the test for microclots is particularly helpful. Some healthy people have an elevated level of micrclots, while some long haulers don’t. I highly recommend that you read the following thread:

The HELP apheresis clinic in Cyprus may be doing the most dangerous and worst out there. Look up the situation with the ME/CFS patient Jack, who is no longer with us.

There’s survey data on HELP apheresis but it will not capture data from people who are no longer able to complete surveys.

The UK is a very cheap country to get HBOT due to the charity system there. HBOT helps some people and seems to really harm others. See the primer here:

Hi Glen ok thank you - I have rouleaux - - I’ve been on the natto,serrapeatse and bromlien for months not sure what it looks like now bit thought help aphesis could help with this? is there anyway to see why it helps some people and what they do? I’m definitely going to look into and see what I can find in London but I’m still considering Cyprus - thank you for the reply - what would your advice be going forward?

I’m not sure we 100% know what’s going on. However, we do know that patients and clinicians can mis-report their treatment outcomes. We definitely shouldn’t assume that all of the information out there is reliable.

Have you tried HBOT yet? See the HBOT primer.

Also see the videos on the Odysee channel - What worked for 36 people who recovered (Patient Experiences Survey Jan 2024)

thanks glenn, I don’t know if you have saline solution for rouleaux, just came across it across looks interesting

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there was a post somewhere with pictures (before and after of the blood) that mentioned vitamin c

specifically high doses

stating it was safe because you pee it out in about 2 hours

if you have a kidney stones problem it might make them worse though (this wasn’t from the post but something I remember because of a family member having kidney stones in the past)

I’ve been taking 500mg vitamin c for a while and no clue if I even have rouleaux, but it did make me feel better when I started it. these days I don’t feel it

just rumours

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thank you for this - this was part of my original protocol and what I would like to in Cyprus they have vitamin IV drips of Vitamin c - which I have heard has helped with symptoms. I guess that’s why I wanted to go to a clinic as can take out more of the guess work - but will look into that thank you.

HI Glenn been trying to look at things that treat rouleaux seen some stuff but its actually been quite hard do you have any idea what is the best treatment or options etc?

People have tried all sorts of stuff for long haul.

If there are effective treatments (which I believe is true because I recovered), then the success rates for any given treatment are really low. Which means that patients will need to try a lot of things… and they should be really careful not to make themselves worse.

IV vitamin C seems to be a waste of money. Though we don’t have insanely strong evidence for that.

Hello, im thinking about Cyprus too, tho im only 55% out of 100% I would say.

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Unfortunately I’ve heard a lot of negative things about the Cyprus clinic (more so than the other HELP apheresis places out there).

If you join their facebook group, you will quickly see that there’s a high level of censorship in it.

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you mean aphaeresis center? I don’t see cencosrrship there or am I blind? or is it a special group?

Yes. I meant Apheresis center cyprus - here’s their facebook page.

I can’t find the facebook group that used to be associated with them. Maybe it isn’t around anymore.

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thank you glenn, you think inuspherese is more safe ?

I don’t know. But HELP apheresis (at the cyprus clinic) is probably at the very bottom in terms of safety so anything is better :confused:

There’s very limited data on inuspheresis here:

There’s some pretty questionable data on inusphersis in a paper here: